Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013

For a few weeks now, our bird feeder was being knocked down sometime during the night.  We thought it was the squirrels, but after 4 baffles and moving it further from the tree trunk, we never saw a squirrel make in on to the feeder.  Early one morning, Stephen saw a red fox (Vulpes vulpes fulva)  eating the sunflower seeds from the feeder which was on the ground!  After a bit of investigation, it turns out these foxes are omnivores, can climb trees, and can jump 6-7 feet high.  They are nocturnal and normally feed between dusk and dawn.  
Although seen several times, he only remained still for one shot - resting in the sun, head on rock, just below our iris bed.

Presenting Freddie the Fox, our new resident:

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