Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday November 9, 2015

With cold nights and mornings, Stephen likes to have a fire when he studies at 4AM!  As the winter progresses, he begins to move his books, notes, and writing materials into the living room where he settles in, often with a fire going all day.

We recently had to replace our fireplace mirror which came crashing down one afternoon scaring the shit out of both of us.  Luckily it didn't go any damage except spew shattered shards of mirror all across the living room.  It was a mirror we brought with us from Chicago, and no great loss when it crashed since it went well with our Lakeview Apartment but not so great here in Lynchburg.  So, after much looking, we purchased this Soleil Mirror from HomeScapes, and frankly, we couldn't be happier.  We considered this mirror a joint birthday present to the both of us.

walter klingler, stephen boydstun, sun burst mirror

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