Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday June 2, 2013

Greg Bennett flew down from Chicago last night to visit with us for a few days.

The very next day we took him on a ride along the
Blue Ridge Parkway.  Greg had no idea we are so close to the mountains.  He did, however, think Lynchburg was going to be like Mayberry RFD - with one main street and absolutely nothing to do except sit around and talk.
 Well, perhaps he wasn't too far off but Lynchburg not only has more than one paved street, we even have our own airport!

As we drove along the parkway, Stephen thought it would be fun to take a hike along one of the many trials along the drive.  I pulled into a trail that Stephen was familiar with, and it had a small waterfall at the end.  Greg was up for the hike, and I stayed behind talking to everyone who pulled into the trail-head area.  My hiking days are over!

As Greg approached the waterfall, he had an opportunity to sit down and rest his hot and tired feet.  Now all he had to do was get back!

About an hour later, I spotted Greg and Stephen coming into the home stretch.  Stephen looked like he could do it again and Greg looked like he wanted to die - right there on the spot!  Once he caught his breath and got into the air conditioned car, he perked up significantly, but made it very clear that that was enough hiking for one day!

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