Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday October 9, 2016 Jim Henderson Visit

Jim Henderson flew down last Friday for his annual visit. It is always so good to see him, and he is doing well.
It was raining when we picked Jim up at the airport, but that just made for fun in-door talking and catching up. We went to dinner at Isabella's.
Saturday was another on-and off rainy day but we did some touring around Staunton which Jim had never seen. We had dinner at Porter House.
Sunday, the weather cleared up and we took a drive around Elon where the Monacan Indian Nation has their annual Pow-Wow. Later that afternoon we went to Randolph College for their bi-annual Greek drama.
Randolph has a wonderful outdoor Greek theater called The Dell. This year's performance was 
The Frogs, by 
Aristophanes. The performers wear traditional Greek masks and in this production some of the words and songs were up-dated to incorporate the current political Presidential campaigns. Since The Frogs is a comedy, it all worked very well. We brought everything we needed and got settled in to await the show. The wind picked up a bit so I was glad I brought my sweatshirt and my new flask filled with brandy. The play was great fun, and the setting very relaxing. That evening we went to R.A. Bistro for dinner.
On Monday we went to Richmond and visited the Virginia Museum of History. There was so much information, pictures, and "stuff" that I was on overload by the time we left. This place certainly requires more than one visit.  That evening we had dinner at Main Street Eatery.
Jim flew back to Chicago Tuesday morning. Every year we look forward to seeing him and sorry to see him leave. This year was no exception!

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