Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 8, 2017 Walter, Stephen, & Jason do Philadelphia art museums Part 1 of 2

Yesterday, Jason took us on a tour of Susquehanna International Group. It's an amazing place and we met some pretty amazing people. That evening we had sushi at B2 Bluefin with Jason and co-worker Sal. Great company, great food!
On Saturday, we hit the art museums, with some discounts provided by SIG.
(Walter & Jason in front of Chief Justice John Marshall statue)

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is huge. It has over 200 galleries of art ranging over 2,000 years. The building is imposing and beautifully restored.
(West entrance detail)

There are so many famous works that it would take weeks to make a dent in them all. We saw Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Eakins, Dali, Cezanne, Homer, El Greco, Gauguin, Cassatt, Matisse, Manet, Duchamp, Brancusi....  We spent hours viewing beautiful art.

No, it's not what you think it is.  This is Constantine Brancusi's sculpture called Princess X - Marie Bonaparte, the vain grand-grand niece of Emperor Napoleon.

Stephen really enjoys Brancusi and now has seen one more of the Bird In Space series of sculptures.

Walter's rendition of "Birdman" In Space.  Can't take him anywhere!

Ever the romantic, Stephen has his picture taken with The Kiss, by Brancusi.

Walter with Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2.

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